What Do We Believe In?
Public Services That Work for The Public
All our public services must be fit for purpose. Roads should not have potholes; our transport network should not be over-capacity and should run to timetables; car parking should not be an impediment to everyday life; children should be able to independently and safely get to/from their school; our medical services should not be constantly strained; social care should not be a challenge for those that most need it; our bins cannot be left uncollected; and our legacy to our children cannot be compromised by cutting corners on public services today. Service providers need to be challenged to do what’s right for the public and not those running those services.
Fair Council Taxes Made To Work Hard
Everybody reasonably expects to pay their fair share of taxes. However, we should also expect that every penny is spent wisely and that those in charge of our local finances are held to account by those elected to do so. The Council has a £1+bn budget – we need to make sure it is allocated fairly and spent appropriately and that Flackwell Heath & The Wooburns (Bourne End & Hedsor) are not forgotten at the bottom of the county.
Housing Development Appropriate to The Community and Environment
We need well-conceived, appropriate housing development in Flackwell Heath & The Wooburns (Bourne End & Hedsor), planned and supported by the local community. Key workers should have options for shared housing and other affordable solutions. We have been the victim of pre-determined, top-down plans that lack any judgement regarding the local infrastructure or local sentiment. We will fight to get the right housing with the right services in the right places.
Prosperous Local Businesses and Vibrant Shopping Areas
It is great to see our local businesses and shops doing well, both individually and together on our main streets and our business parks. It provides critical life and energy to the community through local jobs, as well as vibrant shopping and meeting places for all of us. They need both our support and that of local government to thrive and prosper with an ability to develop and expand appropriately and the necessary infrastructure to support growth with sustainable employee travel solutions. Commercial properties that remain empty for too long must be brought back into use.
A Green Environment and Leisure Areas for All To Enjoy
Like many of you, we are more conscious than ever before about the need to protect our environment and preserve our resources. We are fortunate in our area to enjoy our green spaces and leisure areas which we must defend at all costs, seeking to improve these further without diminishing their attractiveness. As a community, we can all work hard to do our bit in managing our waste, our litter, and our efforts to recycle or reduce our use of natural resources, as well finding better solutions for our journeys. Our community has existed for over a thousand years and we would hope that we can do our bit for those generations to come.
Local People Fully Represented By Local People
This community needs to be represented in Aylesbury by local people who have the best interests of Flackwell Heath & The Wooburns, (Bourne End & Hedsor) at heart. The actions of Wycombe District Council through its Local Plan were driven by interests and party politics outside of our community. The forthcoming Local Plan for Buckinghamshire may well do the same. This must stop; and it must stop NOW. We have all lived in this community for many years and have the full best interests of OUR community and residents as our top priority.

“I have known Penny for over five years on a personal basis and for over three as both a Parish Councillor colleague and as the co-chair of the annual Bourne End Fun Night.
Penny is dedicated to our community and regularly goes above and beyond to help residents and local businesses. Her vision for the future of our community is to be admired, not only in terms of ensuring developers are held to account, but also in the ideas and passion she brings in ensuring future generations will enjoy where they live. I have witnessed many achievements shes been involved with since she was elected as a Ward member for The Woburns, Bourne End & Hedsor and the work she has done to respond to residents and help them with all sorts of matters. I feel proud to be part of this community and call Penny a friend.