Independents FHW

Election Statement


If Elected, We Commit To: 

  • Fully represent all the people of Flackwell Heath & The Wooburns, (and Bourne End & Hedsor) on all local issues at Buckinghamshire Unitary Authority Council level, independently of the constraints of party politics

    • Regular updates and communications with residents via social media

    • Regular face-to-face surgeries

  • Work with the Buckinghamshire Unitary Authority, Chepping Wye Parish Council, the Wooburn & Bourne End Parish Council and the Hedsor Parish meeting on community-centred planning that provides the right housing, medical, education and social care provision in line with emerging local needs

    • Community hubs

    • Planning development

    • New medical centre

    • Primary school places

    • Additional social and day care resources

  • Assist those Parish Councils and our local organisations to promote broader community engagement and activity through better communication, collaboration and leverage of our institutions and assets 

    • Safeguard the library, community centres/clubs and other community resources

    • Develop family, youth and adult leisure propositions via our community sports clubs and other community groups

  • Support appropriate and sustainable housing development that takes into account the risks of climate change and aligns to net carbon zero targets, protects the distinct nature of our villages and hamlets, avoids urban sprawl and maximizes brownfield and windfall sites 

  • Promote vibrant village centres and business parks underpinned by (and in favour of) local businesses wherever possible

  • Strategic public and private transport infrastructure, covering access, capacity and parking befitting a designated “transport hub”

    • Access and capacity management on key routes and junctions

    • Permanent and enforced parking restrictions; new commuter parking solutions

    • School transport to and from our area

    • Bus connections to Marlow and Beaconsfield

  • Preservation of our vital Green Space and Green Belt and provide better access and leverage of County Parks

    • Local parks and village greens

    • Farmland and public rights of way

    • Development and promotion of allotments

  • Work on a cross-party basis to hold our local government leaders accountable for policy development, implementation and  financial management through objectivity, political independence and balanced political discourse in the Council

  • Seek strategic regional and county-wide solutions (e.g. new town, national transport infrastructure such as Crossrail, Oxford-Cambridge Expressway, HS2) for Buckinghamshire


As Chair of Wooburn Residents’ Association, I think it would be hard to hope for a better champion of the needs of local people than Stuart Wilson.

Many times, I have witnessed Stuart going out of his way to listen to the concerns people have, and then to respond in a way that shows he has understood.

Whether the issues are rogue developers, poor planning, inconsiderate parking, road safety or social injustice, he has worked tirelessly to identify fair and practical ways to address them - and then to deliver.

Stuart Wilson is like a dog with a bone in his determination to make things happen that will deliver a fair and positive outcome for all in our area.
— Simon Cole - Wooburn Residents Association