On 1st May 2025 Penny Drayton, Larisa Townsend and Stuart Wilson will be running as Independent candidates for the three seats of the newly formed Ward ‘Flackwell Heath & The Wooburns’ (including Bourne End & Hedsor). The Election for Buckinghamshire Unitary Authority of 97 new Councillors has changed dramatically from 147 Councillors who held the seats until this point. Along with the reduction of Councillors there have been various Ward boundary changes across the County.
Penny and Stuart have been (Independent) Councillors for the last four years, representing residents of ‘The Wooburns, Bourne End & Hedsor’. Larisa is new to the role but has excellent background and huge community interest making her another ideal Independent Candidate.
Local government in Buckinghamshire has been under one party rule for too long and that is not healthy. Our political landscape needs changing. Bucks needs energy, fresh thinking, independent vision and bold leadership. It is now more important than ever that our community feels represented by people who listen to the needs of residents, people who are easily contactable, approachable and responsive. This means Independent Councillors who will be free from political party Whips and be able to truly represent YOU first!
We will be available to meet and discuss matters which concern you at the following times and locations:
Saturday 8th March, 10am – 1pm:
BECMARKET (Bourne End Community Market), Wakeman Road, Bourne End
Saturday 29th March, 9am – 12 noon:
Wooburn Park, Wash Hill, Wooburn Green
Saturday 12th April, 10am – 1pm:
BECMARKET (Bourne End Community Market), Wakeman Road, Bourne End
Saturday 19th April, 9am – 12 noon:
Flackwell Heath Market, The Three Horseshoes, Treadaway Road
Please come along and meet us.

Photo by Joanne Tolner
I was born in Wycombe General Hospital in 1977 and have lived in the locality for most my life, being brought up in nearby Farnham Common attending primary school there and then onto Burnham Grammar School. This year will be my 14th year as a resident within Bourne End and my fourth as a Buckinghamshire Councillor.
When we were first elected four years ago we promised to speak for residents and the best interests of the community and we have wholeheartedly upheld that promise. We have been present at every Bourne End Community Market, every month and many other community meetings and events. I have also been a member of The Wooburns and Bourne End Parish Council for the last three years and so have seen community matters at many levels. Having always had a great interest in community matters, it was my involvement in Keep Bourne End Green, which I founded almost nine years ago in 2016 which really got me involved most in local community and Council matters. Whilst ‘KBEG’ has now disbanded as a Charity, the matters and concerns are still things we spend a lot of time on, making sure the outcome of any of the large developments proposed for the area, are the best possible outcome for the local residents.
I am a mum to three school aged children, two of which are now at secondary school and one still in Primary (Juniper Hill in Flackwell Heath). Over the last ten years of primary school I have been heavily involved in the PTA, helping to raise triple figure thousands to support school improvements and actually Chairing the PTA for eight of my years of being involved. I have loved these years and the events and school community spirit that has come with it.
Photo by Joanne Tolner
I have lived in Flackwell Heath for nearly 12 years with my husband Chris and we have three young children. For many years I worked as a solicitor in a large London practice specialising in construction and project litigation involving both the private and public sector. I left the law in 2018 when my eldest daughter was born to set up a business that enabled me to work from home and become more involved in my local community.
Since 2019 I have been a dedicated committee member, and more recently the Chairperson of Flackwell Heath Residents Association. I am very proud to be a part of a thriving local community, in which there are many fantastic groups and organisations contributing to local life. I firmly believe that we are stronger as a community when we communicate, connect and work together: in my role as Chairperson of Flackwell Heath Residents Association I have relished the opportunity to work alongside and connect different local organisations to achieve great results for our community. In recent years we have established an annual, family friendly music festival (Heath Fest), a monthly market, weekly youth club, repair cafe, monthly litter-picking events in addition to many other regular events that make our village a great place to live. These events raise money which is put straight back into community projects and organisations, our Community Grant Scheme and to fund our newly established youth group. In my capacity as chairperson I also liaise with Chepping Wycombe Parish Council to represent the needs of residents.
I run a micro-bakery and cooking school from my home in Flackwell Heath. This has been a wonderful opportunity to meet and connect with so many local people and organisations: I have recently delivered workshops on a voluntary basis for local groups such as Oasis Bereavement Group and Flackwell Heath Community Pantry (for whom I also volunteer my time writing fund-raising bids). My two eldest children attend Juniper Hill School in Flackwell Heath where I am involved in the PTA committee and volunteer reading with reception aged children.
In recent years, my involvement in voluntary projects has often left me feeling frustrated that the needs and concerns of local residents are not effectively represented and resolved by our elected representatives, who often have their hands tied by party politics. I am standing as an Independent candidate as I believe that, if elected, I can effectively represent the best interests of my community within local government.
Photo by Joanne Tolner
I have lived in Wooburn Moor and Bourne End for over half of my 60 years and don’t envisage ever moving away. My wife Sarah is the practice nurse at the local Medical Centre and loves her involvement with the community in that capacity. Our three children have grown up in the area, attending the local grammar schools before moving on to University and careers. Following my own career in the global food industry and strategy consulting, I am focused on helping our communities. Being a leading member of the Keep Bourne End Green (KBEG) campaign initially before being elected for Council in 2021, subsequently joining the Wooburn & Bourne End Parish Council, and always regularly attending community events.
Since being elected as Buckinghamshire Councillors, we have been available to all and worked tirelessly to improve residents’ lives in Wooburn, Bourne End and Hedsor. We have had results throughout, whether it is fighting for the community on planning matters such as Slate Meadow, Hollands Farm or individual inappropriate cases, getting potholes fixed and roadworks removed, putting new parking restrictions in place, or getting overdue waste bins collected. We have spent time helping individuals with housing, social care and education provision. Being Independent and not part of a political party, following election we formed an alliance with other Councillors outside of the majority party, this was named IMPACT alliance and created an opposition group within the Council. I have successfully led this alliance for the last four years in Buckinghamshire Council, sitting on the major scrutiny committees and holding the Cabinet and Officers to account on how taxpayers’ money is being spent. I have also participated in important Select Committee Reviews on Homelessness, Primary Care Provision, and Flood Resilience leading to changes in Council policy.
As an Independent, I believe in the importance of listening, respect and tolerance of others, working together to get things done, and a sense of duty to help others. Political parties waste time and energy on ideology and personal political ambition. Residents and local businesses need a common-sense approach to achieve more with ever fewer resources. Over that last four years, I have demonstrated that Independents are the voice of reason, focused on results not rhetoric.